Please find the key questions and answers here, if you still have questions, please send emails to us here. Thank you!
Key Questions
Who is eligible to this program?
- undergraduate programs are for 11th and 12th grade students, and 1st year community college students.
- graduate degree is for any people who already have a bachelor's degree, or will get one within 1 year.
- We'll have screening and interviews to grant this opportunity to the most suitable applicants
Do I need to have Chinese background or know Mandarin Chinese to apply?
No. During the first year, you'll be learning Mandarin Chinese intensively in language art school, and learn some foundation courses in English, and then, from the 2nd year, you'll have courses delivered in both languages, and the percentage of Mandarin will increase. If you already had some Chinese language training, please also let us know.
What type of degree do I receive after graduating from the university? Are my credits transferable?
Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts, from Ministry of Education in China, upon finishing all the courses required. The degree is internationally recognized, and accreditation services can be found in Beijing, if you were to need any credit transfers. Please contact the credit receiving university first to see requirement.
What majors are strong in that university?
Animation (ranking top 15 in China, according to different ranking organizations), and visual communication design is also pretty strong.
what academic, social and emotional supports are available to students?
The university has social teachers for all the international students. They've hosted many international students from 20+ countries, and the designated staff are working hard to address international students' needs. We also have a China team (Jiuzhi Edu) working on academic (especially Chinese language) support, organizing social events during major holidays, finding language exchange partners for you, providing technical knowhow and support for you to communicate with families in the US, and listen to your concerns or answer your questions
what are the total cost of this program, and how much must be paid up front?
A program fee of USD3000 must be paid up front to secure your spot. Other cost will be: in US language training (if needed), 1 week of cultural adjustment course is mandatory and the cost is USD300. it should also be paid upfront. (USD3300 should be paid up front.)
You need to pay for your own international air-tickets (we can book them for you, if needed), your visa fee (USD150), your background check fee (USD30-50), and your own flight insurance, or any travel insurance (the school will provide insurance in China, after the school starts).
If you would like to seek student work opportunities, career service is available (some are at fees and some are free, and you can find it out when communicating with our local team).
What cultural preparation prior to attending the university is provided?
We provide ...
What documents do I need to submit?
High school diploma, high school transcripts, photo in electronic version, application form, program fee, and a 1-page self introduction, and a brief description on why you want to study in Chengdu University, China (sent through email to us.)
When will I know if I've been granted the scholarship and stipend support?
we'll send emails to inform you the result by April 5, and start visa application process for you.
How long does it take to apply for a Chinese student visa?
It will take around 15-20 days. Please make sure you have a valid passport in hand.
How will my accommodation and food stipends be granted?
The university will provide on-campus dormitory, and out of campus accommodation is not covered. A debit card will be given to you, with monthly dorm fees pre-paid in the card. Basic food cost will be provided (A debit card will be given to you, with monthly food stipend pre-paid in the card. Normally, it is more than enough for students' basic food need.